Remember These Throwback Comic Books?

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The Golden Age of Comic Books introduced some of the most popular characters while offering readers an escape from the realities of World War II and Korea. This period from 1939 to 1956 was a unique time in American History and became a creative peak in the world of Comic Books.

Comic Book Heroes of the Golden Age

For anyone who enjoys comic books, there are likely at least a couple of well-known Superheroes that come to mind when we talk about the Golden Age. Superman became synonymous with the golden era and stood for Truth, Justice, and the American Way during a time when each of these seemed at risk.

Over at Timely Comics (later Marvel), Captain America took the same stance while fighting Nazi forces. Not into superheroes? For those who preferred lighter stories, this era produced classic comics like Donald Duck and Archie as well.

Superheroes in a Time of World War

During the Second World War, the entertainment world offered audiences something to focus on rather than the troubling international news. Everything from comic books to feature films became an important part of American culture as the nation faced real-life threats greater than any supervillain.

Interestingly, however, popular media was not a distraction from word events, but a reflection of them. In comic books, it was common for heroes like Superman and Captain America to square off against Nazis or to lend a hand to Allied forces. It was an interesting time in which even our fantasy escapism was rooted in the reality of a world at war.

The ’40s and ’50s were truly the golden age of comic books, and no comic fan can ignore the lasting influence today.

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